Tuesday, March 24, 2009

The Last Straw

OK so we have been working with a real estate agent with buying and selling our house and now we are burned out! yeah I know only 5 days and I can't handle this anymore. She just does not listen! we say "hey this is all we can afford" and she says "this only ONLY 5 thousand more than your max you can make it work" I want to scream... HELLO do you hear yourself it's five thousand more than we have NO we can not make it work. Plus this lady knows my mom and actually called her and talked about us to her. She told her "Oh this is such a good deal, don't you think so?" and more bull-winkle like that. It's funny but my mom told her "I don't think they should move so no to me it's not a great deal. Plus Jared and Kassie know what they can afford better than I do so maybe you should listen to them" Wahoo go mom! I was so mad when my mom told me that Jared and I have decided that if we sell our house for the amount we want then we will sell and buy a different home but if not then we just won't move. It's not a big deal we just wanted a bigger house we don't need a bigger house. It's funny we have packed so much stuff it makes our house seem so much bigger. Ha maybe all we need to do is have a garage sale hehehe. Ugh... ok so now my one good thing, Having to make the house open house worthy has made us do all the little things I never thought we would do. Planting grass, fixing floors and what not. We also found out that Jared is a much better handyman then he or I ever gave him credit for. He and his brother replaced ALL of the old plumbing in both bathrooms, fixed the sprinklers, sheet-rocked holes (that they made) sanded cabinet doors put in new vents in the hallway and will be tape and texturing the garage next week. I am so grateful for their hard work and for the help of Josh's new girl friend last night with the packing. (I'll save that for a different post) So overall even though we had a bad experience with our agent I do feel blessed to have GREAT family and friends.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, I just found your blog, it is fun to see. It sounds like you have been busy, sorry about the house, but I am sure that things will workout the way that they need to.
